Monday, April 26, 2010

When the heck did my kids grow up? And where was I?

So yesterday it was yucky, rainy and cold outside. My kids are already used to winter being over and were stuck in the house, driving me crazy  bouncing off the walls. It was about noon, so I took them to McDonald's for lunch hoping the could burn off some energy in the Playland. We haven't been to the Playland in forever so I was totally THEE best mom in the world. Anyways, we ate and then went to play That's when I realized something I haven't noticed or maybe I just refused to babies......aren't babies anymore. ::tears::

My eyes honestly started to tear up, and no, it wasn't from the mixed smells of urine and stinky feet, they were real tears I was trying to choke back. I had the oldest kids in all of the Playland (of course, besides my Mikey). Rock Jr (9) actually came up to me and said "I think I'm too old for this, mom." He said he was running around but was scared he was going to knock a little kid over. I was like, but you're a little kid. I hugged him and he decided to hang with Mikey. When it was time to go, and I announced "Time to go" they came running. And put there shoes on. And put on their jackets. No one complained. No when begged to stay five more minutes. They got themselves buckled in the truck and all thanked me as we pulled out the of McDonald's parking lot. Gone are the days of telling my babies a bazillion times "It's time to go" helping eight little feet with shoes, carrying two kids while telling the older two not to let go of my jacket, where I then work up a sweat getting get everyone buckled, and pull out of the McDonald's parking lot with someone still crying that they weren't ready to leave yet. I never thought I would miss those days. I guess I will still have these days with Mikey (1yr), I just wish life would slow down.

Why do the days, months, and years have go by so quickly?

Bri and Jules,  Christmas 2003

4th of July, 2009
Feb 2010
Here's Rock (2), where his love for sports began....
and now, (9) One of the best players on the team!
My girls
My Mikey

Friday, April 23, 2010

About two months ago Rock Jr. (9) started complaining of headaches. Mari (11) had the same problem when she was 8 or 9 yrs. old and her pediatrician said she could just be getting a little dehydrated. Sure enough, her headaches were only on gym days and she was just a little dehydrated. Anyways, we made sure to remind Rock to drink lots of water before and after gym and baseball practice, but the headaches were still coming around almost weekly. So, I made the appointment with his pediatrician. She questioned possible allergies, dehydration, if he's fallen in the past 30 days, bumped his head, and a bunch more questions that all came back "no". She requested that he get a CT scan and my stomach turned. In the back of my mind I had a little worry bird flying around making me think about all the horrible"what ifs". I couldn't help it, I'm a mom. She referred me to Pediatric Imaging and told me to schedule the appointment for their next opening. I could feel my heart pounding faster as she talked. I think she saw my fear, (Rock Jr didn't) and told me I will feel better after we see a clear CT and most likely he's just is having tension headaches. My son??...tension headaches?? He's nine, what can any nine year old be tense about? I guess he was kind of stressing about how his 8's were coming up for his timed multiplication test, but we studied. He had those 8's down!

I made the appointment the next day and got all teary eyed to Rocky Sr. with all the "What Ifs" I was thinking. He told me everything would be OK and not to worry. Rock Jr. is what I always call my healthy kid, rarely gets colds or fevers and now I was scared I jinxed him. We went the next day, Me, Rock and Mari. The nurse was awesome. We had to wait a little while for her to make sure they got all the right images. I could not stop my mind from thinking the worse. I told myself to shut up so many times and kept praying they would find a perfectly healthy brain in there!! Driving home my worries again took over and brought me to tears. Luckily, Mari and Rock were in the backseat talking and laughing and I covered my eyes with my sunglasses.

Our pediatrician stays open to 7p.m. some nights so I called her nurse when we got back to the house to tell her we got the CT scan and asked if she could get back to me that night (if at all possible). She called about a half hour later, (thank goodness) letting me know that NOTHING was wrong with my son (Thank God!!). She said everything looks as it should and to have him to take it easy at his baseball practices and see to her back in 6 months. I got off the phone, told Rocky Sr. and prayed, thanking God for a perfectly healthy son. Those awful thoughts and fears only ended up being thoughts and fears and were off my shoulders the second she said everything looks great.

My heart hurts today for a mother I don't even know and her daughter, Kate. One of the blogs I follow had a link to her website and blog Her sweet, beautiful, blue eyed, 6-year old daughter, Kate (McRae) has brain cancer. I'm sure her mother sat and waited having the same worries and fears and thoughts that I had. I'm sure she prayed as hard as I did while waiting to hear her daughter's CT results. I'm sure her husband told her to not worry, that everything would be fine. But for her it wasn't. All of the awful thoughts and fears she probably had, instead came true the second her doctor said everything wasn't OK and her little girl had a massive tumor. She wasn't able to hang up the phone as I did with a sigh of relief. Instead she went from the CT appointment to emergency care to start fighting for her daughter's life. My heart breaks for her, and her family, and her sweet daughter. God has His plan, I will pray that it includes this little girl surviving and beating this horrible, ugly cancer she has, and that she will grow up and live a full, happy life. I will pray for Kate's sister and brother that their hearts won't hurt when their mom or dad are gone caring for  Kate. And I will pray and ask God to continue to give Kate's Mom and Dad strength, courage, and hope. I hope one day they will be able to tell everyone that this horribly mean, scary and cruel disease was beaten by their sweet, beautiful, blue-eyed little girl.

Please pray for this family. I'm going to go and squeeze all my babies now!  Kate McRae

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where are you Aunt Flo?

Dear Aunt Flo,

Where've ya been? I miss you and it’s been like 34 days since you came to visit last. I’m worried about you. I know I was in a bad mood and talked major crap last month when you were visiting and I’m sorry. But you were really bugging me that week and arrived on mine and Rocky’s date night! I know it wasn’t your fault. I planned the date even though I knew you were coming to visit that weekend, so again, I’m sorry. If you come and see me soon, I promise I won’t ever talk bad about you again. In fact, I’ll tell everyone how happy I am that you’re back. Even Rocky, who’s always hated you, is wondering where you’ve been. We miss you Aunt Flo, please come back!

Your friend,


Monday, April 12, 2010

Late Easter Blog (Warning Picture OVERLOAD!!)

Happy Belated Easter!! The Easter Bunny has come and gone. It was a busy day. Walking up early to (loud) whispers from my girl's bedroom, wondering if they should sneak to start looking for their baskets. Had breakfast and candy for dessert. Then got everone all fancied up and went to my dad's house for Easter. We had an Easter Egg Hung and then got stuffed with ham for lunch. Then went to visit my mom at my Abuela's house where I stuffed my face again. (Ugh!) My Abuela is in her upper 70's and made some fideo (an awesome Mexican dish I LOVE) so I had to eat it! Then I begged Rocky Sr. to go to a park near my Abuela's so we could take pics of our babies all dressed up. They were all having rollercoaster of emotions the whole day from supper giggly to tired to grumpy and back to super giggly thanks to all the candy. But we still went and I got some good pics. (The lighting is a lil off in the pics, I'm still editing some with my new Corel Art Photoshop).

We unfortunately, didn't make it to church, but I totally thought about going. Does that count? One of my goals this year was to get involved with a church. It's already April. So far, I've failed.

Anyways, the day was a lot of fun but very exhausting! Here are some pics!

Mikey's lil fat hands. You can't really tell in this pic but he cracked his egg. Kept calling it his "Ba! Ba!" (Ball) and then smooshed it!
My Julia Gulia (giggling cuz I zoomed in on her)
Rocky dying eggs with our babies. (After this pic he told them to be careful so the dye wouldnt get on the table, then proceeded to PLOP his egg into the lil cup and got dye on the table.
My Rock Jr
Mari & Rock Jr. in deep thought...
HA! Rock Jr. trying the yoke from the egg Mikey cracked.
My babies at Dad's (Papa's & Grandma Debbie's) House
At my favorite park in Waukesha
My Girls, when I asked them to pose...
My Girls, when I asked them to pose like girls...
My Girls :)
My world...
Me n Rock Jr. (Crooked pic by Rock Sr)
My sweety babies
My oldest, Mariana (11) 
My Rock Jr. (9)
My Mikey (1)
My Julia (7)
My Briana (8)
My Boys
Proud owners of the children pictured above

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party!

So, I joined the Ultimate Party Blog going on to check out more blogs, have others check out mine and maybe win something. Part of the Party is to write about me. Se here we go... (note: I am totally cheating and cutting and pasting some things from my first blog entry...I gotta pick up my son from baseball practice in 15 minutes).

I'm Cindy, I'm a 28-yeay old mom to five. My kids are my life. When I'm not struggling, I mean, helping my oldest Mariana (10), with her homework, rushing to put on some makeup in the hallway mirror while son, Rocky Jr (8) dunks a small basketball over my head into the hoop that's hanging above the mirror, or telling Briana (7) to please, please use her indoor voice and then explaining indoor voices are supposed to be quiet, or listening to Julia (6) tell a long story about something, and then starting her story over again because she thought I was listening, or making "googoo gaga" noises and silly faces at my 2 month old, Mikey, to try and get him to smile while whipping one diaper off and putting another on as quick as I can because he's known to spray me....yeah, when not doing that...I'm.... well doing a whole bunch of other stuff.

(Note: my babies have grown since this 1st post, they're now 11, 9, 8, 7 and 1).

I work full time for my dad's plumbing company. I've been working with him for almost ten years now and have been lucky enough to bring all my babies to work with me. Not at the same time of course, my oldest four go to daycare, then bused to their elementary school and little Mikey comes along with me.

Life is fun and busy and perfectly crazy with five babies and a boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. We're sinners. Five kids and never married...yet. Sooner or later that'll happen. Right now, were fine where we're at. About him? Hmm... well he's Rocky Sr. going to be 30 this year! I met him when I was almost fifteen at a party at a house owned by trusting parents of a 16 year old boy. Somehow through friends we both new the guy and fate or (Vodka and Sunny-D) brought us together that night. I knew of him as a "bad boy" before I met him. So when he said his name, "Rocky Martinez" and I remembered he was that guy who just beat up that one guy, it was love at first sight. We had our first date at the Homecoming dance and had our first kiss in his parents driveway in the rain. We've been through a lot, make ups and break ups, and a whole lot of drama. But, we're making it work, we're not afraid to fight with each other, realizing it's better to talk or yell it out now, then hold it in and resent eachother later. He makes me mad, he annoys me at times, we can yell and scream at eachother, but in the end I still love him like crazy.

So this is blog. My goal is to post something atleast twice a week whether it's a cute pic, random thing someone did or said, and hopefully more about my Perfectly Crazy life!