Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's the little things

Things have continuted to be crazy busy since my last post, TWO freakin months ago! Rock's basketball team is 3-1, games on Sundays, practices two nights a week. Briana has photography class on Thursday's and Mari has Volleyball on Tuesdays and Thrusdays. Thank goodness, Julia's dance doesn't start until January and Mikey is too young to be in a sport/activity. Some nights I go crazy, and some mornings at work I wonder if I spent enough time with (fill in kid's name). I brought the three youngest with me to work on Friday, day after Thanksgiving. We left around 2pm since it was slow. So, this Monday morning, I get to work to find a lil note from my Julia. It say's "turn over". I flip over the pink post-it to read: Hi Mom Just want to say I love you hope you have a good day at work love Julia (with a heart over the i). This little note made my day. I have to remember to breathe and love life and think positive even during the crazy times. Thank you my Julia.