Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party!

So, I joined the Ultimate Party Blog going on to check out more blogs, have others check out mine and maybe win something. Part of the Party is to write about me. Se here we go... (note: I am totally cheating and cutting and pasting some things from my first blog entry...I gotta pick up my son from baseball practice in 15 minutes).

I'm Cindy, I'm a 28-yeay old mom to five. My kids are my life. When I'm not struggling, I mean, helping my oldest Mariana (10), with her homework, rushing to put on some makeup in the hallway mirror while son, Rocky Jr (8) dunks a small basketball over my head into the hoop that's hanging above the mirror, or telling Briana (7) to please, please use her indoor voice and then explaining indoor voices are supposed to be quiet, or listening to Julia (6) tell a long story about something, and then starting her story over again because she thought I was listening, or making "googoo gaga" noises and silly faces at my 2 month old, Mikey, to try and get him to smile while whipping one diaper off and putting another on as quick as I can because he's known to spray me....yeah, when not doing that...I'm.... well doing a whole bunch of other stuff.

(Note: my babies have grown since this 1st post, they're now 11, 9, 8, 7 and 1).

I work full time for my dad's plumbing company. I've been working with him for almost ten years now and have been lucky enough to bring all my babies to work with me. Not at the same time of course, my oldest four go to daycare, then bused to their elementary school and little Mikey comes along with me.

Life is fun and busy and perfectly crazy with five babies and a boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. We're sinners. Five kids and never married...yet. Sooner or later that'll happen. Right now, were fine where we're at. About him? Hmm... well he's Rocky Sr. going to be 30 this year! I met him when I was almost fifteen at a party at a house owned by trusting parents of a 16 year old boy. Somehow through friends we both new the guy and fate or (Vodka and Sunny-D) brought us together that night. I knew of him as a "bad boy" before I met him. So when he said his name, "Rocky Martinez" and I remembered he was that guy who just beat up that one guy, it was love at first sight. We had our first date at the Homecoming dance and had our first kiss in his parents driveway in the rain. We've been through a lot, make ups and break ups, and a whole lot of drama. But, we're making it work, we're not afraid to fight with each other, realizing it's better to talk or yell it out now, then hold it in and resent eachother later. He makes me mad, he annoys me at times, we can yell and scream at eachother, but in the end I still love him like crazy.

So this is blog. My goal is to post something atleast twice a week whether it's a cute pic, random thing someone did or said, and hopefully more about my Perfectly Crazy life!



  1. Holy cow! All those babies so close together! You are one gutsy woman! ;0) And all before the age of 30, too! I'm in awe.

    Stopping by from the Party!

  2. Beautiful photo on your blog header! Love it!

    Hope you are having fun at the BLOG PARTY!

    Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  3. Love your header....Sunday afternoon blog hopping ....This is such a FUN party.
    A random prize drawing for tonight (SUN) and then a $100 Gift basket for the GRAND PRIZE. I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs and having so much fun meeting new friends...Stop by for a visit...nothing you have to do but leave a comment on either of my blogs. Happy Sunday..

  4. Yay! I am now a follower. Your first! So nice to meet you. I am stopping by from the UBP.

    Please come by and enter my giveaway for a headband set from Sugar Owl Design. Ends Sun. at mid.

  5. Beautiful smiles on everyone. Visiting from UPB 2010. Rita @ One 2 Try.

  6. Nice to meet you! LOL! I totally don't consider that cheating. If I recall correctly, I may have just linked to my about page.

  7. Hey Winner!
    You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page -

    772 Cindy
