My baby boy is ONE already! We had a big birthday party for him at our house with the family. He was too cute when it came to us singing Happy B-day to him. I almost teared up when singing to him wondering where did his first year go? It went by so quick. I'm very grateful that he is so happy and that he's healthy, and mine! Before he was born, I always got the feeling someone was missing. The day he was born, I felt complete. I love him more than I will ever be able to explain. Here are some of my favorite pics from Mikey's 1st year.
Moments Old...
Words can never express how much love and happiness I felt at this moment.
a few weeks old
Look at those hairy little shoulders!
holding mommy's hand
1st bath. This is the 1st and last time you ever cried during bathtime.
Love those toes!
Hanging with your big Bro!
Loving the fresh air at the park
Love those big eyes!
Nice full belly.

1st teeting cookie! Very messy!
Learning to crawl...
1st time touching pumpkin guts!
My little football, 1st Halloween
Stuffed after 1st Thanksgiving!
Playing wtih the paper more than the presents 1st Christmas
Happy 1st Birthday, my sweet Mikey. You make us complete. I love you!!
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