My babies went back to school yesterday! Finally the day came! The supplies were loaded up and they finally got to wear their new clothes, shoes, and backpacks. (Something they've been asking me, everyday for the past month).
Mari was so ready for middle school. She didn't seem nervous the night before, just really exicted. We made sure to have her schedule, her locker # and comb in every notebook and folder, just incase she loses the one on her locker door and the one in her pocket. Better to be over-prepared, right? :)
So when it came time to drop her off, I thought she was ready. But, outta nowhere came tears. I almost lost it, too. She was scared, and had every right to be! Her middle school is huge! I reassured her that she knows where her classes are, knows how to open her locker with no problems, and she was as prepared as she was going to get. We went to parent info meetings, meet and greets, practiced her locker til she memorized her combination and walked around to each class in the previous weeks to this first day of school. She agreed she was ready, took a big breath, wiped her tears away, checked herself in the mirror and said she was ready. (I wanted to ball like a baby and just tell her nevermind, stay home, be little again, dangit). But I swallowed and gave her a huge smile telling her I know she's gonna rock today (which made her laugh, I guess, I'm a dork) told her I love her, and with an "I love ya too", she jumped out, caught up to a friend and was smiling and talking. PHEW! I thought I could let out my sobs now, but I had the girls in the back and Rock Jr. next to me, askin "You ok, mom?" So, I sucked it up again, smiled and told him, "Yeah, I'm fine", and I held his hand so tight while he laughed at me. Her day ended up going better than great! She has a friend or friends in every one of her classes which, I guess is THE most important thing in middle school. I love her so much! I gotta go for now, so I'll post about Rock being the girl's hero later tonight. Here they are! All ready to go!