So, like most men, my Rocky has a problem with listening (which he denies).
Sample recent conversation...
Rocky: "When are Rock's games this week?"
Me: "Monday and Wednesday, they're both Away games, Mari has cheerleading and band practice on Thursday, and Volleyball camp all week, and Rock has Basketball camp, so it's gonna be a crazy week!"
Rocky: "Oh..."
Me: "Yup!"
Two hours later...
Rocky: "When are Rock's games this week?"
Me. "ummm...Monday and Wednesday remember?"
Rocky: "Oh yea, are they Home games?"
Me: "really??... no, they're both Away games, I just told you this."
Rocky: "No, you told me Monday and Wednesday but didn't say if they were Home or Away games."
Me: "Yeah...ah...I did, you're just a horrible listener..."
Rocky: "(laughing) No, I'm not...."
Me: ::Rolling my eyes::
So, onto last night....
I was sitting next to Rock looking through a magazine while he was watching something boring on t.v. I usually pull out the perfume samples and ask if he likes 'em. Well, last night there was a small advertisement for watches in the magazine. I showed it to Rock, and clearly said to him, "Ya think this one's pretty?" He leans in, eyes still glued to the t.v., and SNIFFS the watch ad, saying "yeah, it smells, ok".
Proof! He does not listen!! Gotta love him.