Dec. 22nd, 2009
So this is a month and a half overdue, but better late than never. I wanted to write something around my kid's birthdays to describe how they are, what their likes and dislikes are since they change so quickly and every year seems to go by faster than the last.
To Rock, aka my Papa.
You make me a very proud mom! This year you've really developed a great little sense of humor. You like to joke and are good at it. One of the funniest moments I can recently remember is when you told the lady who was cutting your hair that you have a job. When she asked, doing what, you said bugging your sisters, but you don't get paid for it. It was said in the most serious way, Mari and I were laughing so hard in the waiting area. Truth be told you're not the typical "bug your sister kinda brother". If anything, they (or should I say Bri) bug you. You love me and the rest of our fam very much and aren't embarrassed to show it. Though, I fear the day you do.
You are sports fanatic and amaze me when you talk to daddy about sports. You made the Jr Indians baseball team this year (YAY!) and we celebrated with two bowls of icecream which is one of your favorite foods. Unless it's covered in chocolate, you are kind of a picky eater and recently told me you don't like bacon which was a shock to all of us. One Sunday morning, at the table, you said "I don't like bacon." All the hussle and bussle of the morning STOPPED! We were shocked! Who doesn't like bacon?
Your parent-teacher conferences this year were awesome. You're doing very well in school (3rd grade) and got a perfect report card. Your teacher this year, Mrs. Luciani calls you the class peacemaker. If someone has a problem you like to remind them to brush it off and not to worry. You have a kind heart and open doors for girl's, but say you still don't like them even though a lot of them have crushes on you.
Even though it drives me crazy you are completely addicted to your little basketball hoop that hangs on the basement door. You play with it daily, trying out different ways to dunk and constantly ask anyone who will listen to come watch you.
I love you so much!! More than I will ever be able to explain!
Your Mom